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July 2024


It was at home in Lille that I designed this first collection. These three jerseys are very special to me. They have great sentimental value because it is my very first collection. They represent a lot and above all a milestone. I think that ultimately, these jerseys are not just clothes; they embody a real passion and are proof of an important step for me.

I aspire to have regular releases at Sketwave, but I am driven by this desire and respect: I refuse to sacrifice quality for quantity. That is why I prefer to take the time to create beautiful pieces that match my vision and values. I am aware that this approach can sometimes slow down the pace of releases, but I firmly believe that this is the price to pay to ensure excellence.

This first collection is only the beginning of a long adventure, a first stone in the building that I wish to build with you.

I sincerely hope that it will find its place in everyone's heart, that it will inspire, that it will encourage everyone to express their personality. Because that is, I believe, our true mission: to allow everyone to reveal themselves, to assert themselves and to shine.